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Top Agent Articles » What Gets You Up in the Morning

The real estate boom early in the new millennium created many wealthy REALTORS® and lenders. The owners of huge brokerage companies started thinking they were geniuses! Huge homes, second homes, vacations, and cars were on everyone’s lists. When the bubble burst, real estate prices along with many other asset classes plummeted. Many investors and real estate companies declared bankruptcy; many owners found themselves upside down. I had personally been through two other “big bursts” in my 40-year real estate career.

Top Agent Articles » So Many Different Business Plans, Which Do You Choose?

Do you ever get confused on what business aspect you should implement next?  Just about ANYTHING is better than doing nothing at all while you wait for the business to come to you; however, is there one that is THE BEST?

Top Agent Articles » Is the Client Always Right.doc

Is the Client Always Right?

Top Agent Articles » When do you hire a buyer's agent assistant?

Hiring a buyer’s assistant or buyer’s agent is a very large and expensive decision. The duties of a buyer’s assistant or agent vary as do the compensation plans. Before we delve into those, I would like to discuss whether or not a buyer’s assistant/agent is really profitable...

Top Agent Articles » Mentored Production.doc

Mentored Production

Top Agent Articles » Filling a Realtor Seminar in a Tough Market

Real estate seminars can be used to gain notoriety for a local affiliate or even a real estate company.  Through the years, the seminars have been extremely successful for both, but a constant challenge remains – filing the room. 



Top Agent Articles » It's Time to Prune.doc

It's Time to Prune

Top Agent Articles » Eating the "Elephant" with Time Blocking

Without making time for the most profitable activities, I can tell you exactly what will happen -- you are going to be spending time on the most urgent items which are almost never your most profitable activities.  The reason why my lead generation book is so popular with top agents is because it points to the direction of the most profitable activities in real estate. 


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