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Top Agent Articles » Help Your Lender Plan a Walter Sanford Event

You could have a seminar in your town where I could train you and your assistants! In addition to yourself, another who would benefit from such a seminar would be your lender. For years, I teamed up with my lender and suggested activities for him to make more money. One of those ideas was to bring in top real estate training talent. Each time, the lender received kudos from the attendees and earned more potential clients. You, the agent benefits from attending a seminar in his/her hometown rather than traveling across the continent. Below is a great action plan to share with your favorite lender so he or she can plan a great real estate event.

Top Agent Articles » Need to Be Able to Say "NO" to Bad Business

I have the privilege of coaching some great agents. They have enough business so that they can effortlessly say “no” to business that they believe has a small chance of closing. You are in a contingency business. Your income is contingent on the property closing. Lawyers who work on contingency are very careful in choosing what cases they work, and they get a 33% commission in most cases. Similarly, you need to abide by the rules below…or you will be working too much business that does not close.

Top Agent Articles » What is Wrong with Real Estate Training Today?

Question and Answer with Walter Sanford about short sales and real estate training.

Top Agent Articles » We’re Going with My Sister, the REALTOR®

How do you handle the “I’m using my cousin/nephew/sister” remark? Got a hold of an expired today and they had no motivation. Decided to wait for 18 months and they are using their nephew. Should I call them back in 9 months?

Top Agent Articles » Do You Plan for Trends?

In 2005, we, the real estate community, saw interest only loans with no money down. We knew the banks were going to own a lot of property. I started systems that built relationships with banks so our clients would be in first place when short sale and REO listings would be considered. Now, the market is hot in some areas and getting hotter in others. One of the many trends in this environment is the growing “for sale by owner” inventory. The FSBOs still don’t have a ton of equity but are sure they don’t need a REALTOR®. Each of my coaching clients is great in re-educating FSBOs on the fact that they probably can net the same with one of our customized marketing plans, but the indoctrination always works better with a relationship.

Top Agent Articles » Killing Clients with Kindness and Value

Sometimes, we need to "kill" our clients with kindness and offer value. I know it goes against everything in our nature to turn the other cheek when they are being mean. Recently, a coaching client had some challenges with a particular client, and I'm sure you have also worked with the kind of client who discourages you so much that you just want to hit the delete button! How about offering a response that increases your fame and makes the client always wonder what they may be missing? They might not list with you, but they will never forget you.

Top Agent Articles » Most Agents Can’t Answer These Tough Objections

I teach my coaching clients on how to extend their time on the phone with a great prospect. Each client can answer the questions below when they are talking with a prospect. You might think prospects should just melt at the sound of your voice and hang on your every word when you call.

Top Agent Articles » Living the Dream

Your trainer and your training dollars need to go to mentors who have been or are currently where you want to be! There are numerous incarnations of “living the dream.” Be sure to check out your mentor or trainer before you follow their training to live the dream.

Top Agent Articles » Thoughts on Being a Top Producer

California Association of REALTORS® Interview with Walter Sanford: Thank you for the opportunity to help with your article about top producers. Here are your questions and my answers.

Top Agent Articles » The Orphaned Client System

Agents are always leaving the business no matter if the market is great or rotten. In great markets, they leave because they move or retire. In rotten markets, they leave because they were never trained or they do not have the motivation to find the systems necessary for a tough market.


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