Many times, the disappointment of obtaining a lead and losing a listing presentation to the competition can knock the wind out of you for a few days so let me propose a semi-controversial method of determining how you can learn from your possible mistakes.
I never understood all that complaining about yearly dues. The legal help lines, the continuing education opportunities, the store, and the new technology were all items that I used every year.
Let’s set the scene – you really want the major share of listings in the neighborhood close to your office, and you want those listings at an average sales price 40% higher than your average closed sales price. The catch – you just found that your competition has been hanging out there for 12 years with doggie treats, pumpkins, and door hangers! Well, it’s time to get to work.
Our agents are facing dropping prices, buyers without the hope of future appreciation, and FICO scores that aren’t up to par. Sellers are watching the equity that they have already spent disappear. Banks are pushing the short sale envelope until it rips. Shadow inventory with Alt A option arm re-adjustments are now coming to join the party. The government is spending more than the printing press can handle, debasing a currency that the lenders expect to get back 30 years from now. Are they going to continue to lend at 6%? You have not seen anything yet! So, get ready to change the way you do business…or move over.
There are winners and losers in every game.Everyone’s definition of winning and losing is slightly different.For the purposes of this article, we’ll define a winner as a person who accomplishes their business goals in net profit and time savings.A loser is defined as someone who does not have either!