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Top Agent Articles » Winning Buyers from Agents Without Contracts

When an interested buyer drove by a property then followed the directions for more information (easy-to-remember URL, QR code, text back system, or IVR system), I always made sure they had reasons beyond a great listing to contact me personally. The buyers are out looking at listings without their agent so maybe their real estate agent is inefficient! Why not attract them to the most professional representation in the area? I would provide a list of reasons for them to call me directly via an attachment to the listing flyer in the brochure box, on my website in the buyer’s section, and even on the fax/text/call back systems. This list worked like a charm!

Top Agent Articles » You are Busy Because It's the Spring Market

This will be fast, because you think you have no time...but please read on! November happens! Spend a few minutes and delegate some of your lead generation duties now. Your affiliates (lenders, title, escrow, etc.) appreciate your loyalty, and they will help in lead generation that also benefits them with new clients. I have a new product out this week. We will sell it to you for 50% off as a special to our clients before we offer it to the general public. Loan it to your affiliates. Have him or her choose one system to work on in filling both his/her and your pipeline. If you can guarantee loyalty, he/she will help!


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