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Your Insider Investing for Real Estate Agents book has been very helpful. While I am not the one at the company who hires speakers, I have recommended your book and website to many of my colleagues. Cynthia Lee, Weichert Realtors


Builders/Architects/Engineers August 8th, 2017 | Posted in General Real Estate, Other Interests, Real Estate

Today’s blog will help you in approaching builders, architects, engineers, and the sort in an effort to obtain their business. This is an excellent lead generation system for new agents or seasoned agents to utilize at least once a year.

Again, the goal is to grow your unpaid team members. These are individuals who work within some real estate related affiliated business. They can help in not only adding to your client base but also in making your clients happier! It’s a win/win for everyone!

As with yesterday’s script, these scripts are written from the perspective of an assistant. Adjust accordingly if you don’t yet have an assistant.


Live conversation script:

Hi, this is __________________. I am calling with an offer from (agent’s name), one of the area’s top real estate resale experts. He/she asked me to call you to see if you have any projects coming up in the future and if you would like to be put on our weekly mailing of land lot and acreage listings for the (city) area. (Agent’s name) is always working with qualified buyers and he/she knows what they want in a new project. Would you need any of this information now?

Positive: Great! (Agent’s name) would like me to set up a telephone appointment with you. What time will you be in the office tomorrow so I can have him/her give you a call?

WHY: (Agent’s name) has been selling his/her listings quickly and needs more inventory for what seems to be an aggressive demand. He/she wants to make sure any project you are considering could be sold for top dollar to today’s buyer! He/she also wants to know about your plans for pre-sales.

Negative: Okay. Do you need help with planning any future projects? (Agent’s name) is very good at determining what sells in today’s market.

Positive: Close for appointment.

Negative: Have a great evening, and please remember (agent’s name) if you have any real estate needs. Thank you and have a great day!

NOTE: Mention the 800 number and how to track calls or the fact that you will list their properties on your internet site for free with their résumé and past projects!


Voice Mail Script:

Hello, this is ________________ and I am calling for (agent’s name), a top real estate broker/agent in (city). (Agent’s name) asked me to call you and inquire if you have any new projects that you are working on. (Agent’s name) is currently working with many qualified buyers and would like them to consider your project. Furthermore, we have three new and free builder bonuses:

1. Free use our 800 inquiry service
2. Free ad space on our website
3. Referral fees given on all resale property leads. We can even help train your sales people.

Please call (agent’s name) at (phone number), or visit our website at


Letter/Postcard/Email Follow Up:


City, ST Zip


As a way of introduction, I would like to submit my credentials which I have enclosed. I am a top real estate broker/agent in (city) and the surrounding areas. I make it my business to know the real estate market. If you are interested in receiving top dollar for your new homes or units, please keep my enclosed cards. I stand ready to provide the best service in the area should assistance be required. You can also take advantage of any of my free services:

1. Weekly lists of new land lot or acreage listings sent to you.
2. A free analysis of your plans to assure the finished product meets the current demand of our under contract buyers.
3. Free advance and current announcements of your projects on one of the most heavily hit websites for this area —
4. Free use of our 1-800 Interactive Voice Recognition System to produce leads and determine which of your marketing systems is producing the most leads.
5. Free training by (agent’s name) of your sales staff.
6. 20% Referral fees paid on your entire buyer’s closed resale leads.
7. Credit of (agent’s name)’s commission to you on any land you buy from (agent’s name) toward your down payment in return for a limited partnership interest in your project.

There are more services! Please call so we can arrange a mutually agreeable appointment.

(agent’s name)


Walter’s Phone Scripts & Moving Beyond Do Not Call is your go-to resource for scripts, emails, and letters that you or an assistant can easily begin using today. Phone Scripts includes the hiring, and management of telemarketers plus the 60 hottest groups to go after when they have shown interest in your service.

This manual even includes what to say when leaving a voice mail. Follow-up emails are included, too. It’s a great manual for an assistant as well with do not call opportunities!

Check out the details: Call 800.792.5837 and ask for the $50 blog special on this system!

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