559 S. Washington Ave., Kankakee,IL 60901

P.815.929.9258 P.815.929.9200

"Just wanted to say thank you for doing such a splendid job of delivering the “Meat and Potatoes” instead of a bunch of fluff. The feedback from everyone was assume. Everyone said they picked up an idea or two…which is exactly what we wanted. Thanks again." Shamiram Mazejy, Coldwell Banker – Clifton


Topics of Sanford Systems

Any talk can be customized for your specific market, current economy, or time frame; however, here are a few ideas to start your preliminary planning.


Most Systems Work – Some Are Just Better and Faster in Making You Wealthy: 3 to 4 hours

  1. Learn 15 inexpensive, creative ways to a larger inventory — winners get listings
  2. Learn from top producers who have worked systems to earn their “top” status — be careful of following fads
  3. Implement services that only you can supply to get more inquires — buyers find listings easily
  4. Discover a great list of activities that will make you wealthy in commissions
  5. Practice exact procedures – those that are light on theory, heavy on exact checklists to use after the seminar
  6. Learn how to move on (nicely) from the low-profit, energy-zapping clients
  7. Utilize your team in your marketing – you DO have a team even if you are the lone ranger/ranger-ette
  8. Learn the answers from the master — the same objections have been around for decades
  9. Discover how “those who have gone before you” earn their wealth in this business
  10. Time-block different activities each day to double your gross income — learn the schedule of a winner
  11. Discover ways to close transactions faster — the same objections have been around for decades
  12. Implement systems for follow-up on the important leads — stop wasting your time on the “stupid” leads 
  13. Get the top commission more often — the fastest way to earn more money is to raise your price.
  14. Keep track of what worked — add money and energy to those items every year
  15. Learn how to manage your property investments – or how to train your assistant to do this for you!

These are fifteen of the scores of systems your attendees will hear, absorb, and take home to make their own.   Walter’s nearly forty years of high production real estate brokerage and wealth from real estate investments uniquely qualify him to mentor your attendees. 

It is important to motivate the troops, but they do need the tools to “march forward” on their own. This market requires that new systems be implemented for the self-directed bail out.


Breaking Through Barriers With a Grin: keynote to 2 hours

Learn how to get your “get up and go” going again!  Sometimes this business of ours isn’t all it was cracked up to be.  No one ever told us that there would be flat-out grinding challenges — the client from the Black Lagoon, the closing from Elm Street, the late night hours. Has your get up and go just gone?  Where did our lives and attitudes take a wrong turn? How do we get back into the fast lane?

After consulting with thousands of real estate agents and real estate clients, Walter Sanford deserves an honorary degree in human behavior.  Most concerned with the lives and times of his peers in an industry he loves, Walter has infused this upbeat, insightful, and humorous session with workable and profitable systems to help real estate agents through their warrior modes.


The 44 Hottest Prospecting Systems at Work in North America: 2 to 4 hours

There are several REALTORS® out there who are making a living.  Few are making serious profit, and fewer still are having any fun doing it. Walter Sanford turns that around with a lively presentation on the 44 most successful prospecting systems that he’s seen at work and put to work in his own $72 million a year business.  The ideas span the gamut — from new tweaks on old forms of lead generation to new technologies, and from smarter databasing to better use of delegation methods.  The methods are updated regularly to stay current with technology and new discoveries!

Funnel Strategy: Six Ways to Double Sales NOW!: 2 to 4 hours

It’s easy to generate more closings and profit.  Walter Sanford shows how just six areas of your real estate business can be shaped up in very little time and help you attain greater profitability by comparing your activity to the performance of a common kitchen funnel — a comparison mixed with exact systems you can use the day you get back to the office.

Survival of the Fittest: Creative Strategies for Smarter, More Profitable Business: 2 to 4 hours

Through the years, Walter Sanford has learned the secrets of why some agents glide to higher incomes and why some agents scratch out livings.  It is a matter of getting multiple returns from one exertion of energy and different systems that dovetail together for better results.  Great agents get into a profit-rhythm and Walter Sanford has been the guy tapping his foot for nearly forty years! 

We are no longer order-takers!  We need to write tighter contracts.  We need to increase our inventory in order to produce more seller and buyer calls.  We have to run tighter systems with better checklists at a lower cost.  We need to increase our net by raising commissions and fees and cutting out expenses that do not produce results.  We need to develop consistent proactive seller lead generation systems that are fun to do.  Get ready to become financially independent with your increasing commission income invested by the purveyor of the world’s greatest investment product…!

This is an exciting, fast-moving seminar that will totally prepare newcomers, intermediate, and seasoned professionals for real estate done the way the winners do it. The most common comment from this seminar is “MORE GOOD IDEAS THAN I HAVE EVER HEARD AT A SEMINAR!”

The Steps to Having a Super Star Assistant: 2 to 4 hours

Walter Sanford was one of the first to utilize a personal assistant in the real estate industry.  Although it was the craze in the ‘80s, Walter stated then, as he does now, that there are many options before adding an assistant to one’s overhead.

In this session, he teaches how to work smarter with “unpaid” delegation, technology, and consistent systems then shows you how to hire properly for an added income stream.  Once you have an assistant Walter will give you over 200 ideas on how to manage a profit from your new associate! This is a seminar by the guy who invented the concept of a real estate assistant.

Surprise! I’m Setting Up Shop in Your Town! How One Agent Can Immediately Gain a Large Market Share: 2 to 4 hours

Think for a moment about how you’d really feel if you learned that Walter Sanford, mega-producing real estate veteran and top agent in the nation in the 80s and 90s, had just moved into your town. Whether you’re just starting in business or have been at it for decades, this undisputed champ of North American real estate tells you what it takes to increase your market share starting tomorrow! He actually takes you from day one on a ride to capture business even if you were just starting in a new town! Your competition doesn’t want your agents to attend this one!

You’ve Helped Your Clients, Now Help Yourself — Building Your Own Real Estate Investment/Retirement Portfolio: 2 to 4 hours

You work day-in and day-out as purveyor of the most profitable, long-term investment opportunities in North America.  How well are you applying your unique knowledge to your own investment and retirement portfolio?  Oddly, few real estate agents seriously take the time to plan a real estate retirement portfolio.

In this session, Walter Sanford walks you past the “no-time” excuse and other terror barriers to show you how to put together a secure, appreciating real estate retirement portfolio. Also included are the steps to make your “career” saleable when you want to retire on your investment portfolio!


Being The Good Guy and Making Money, Too: 2 to 4 hours

This is buyer brokerage finally done right!  We have new designations and even whole franchises entering the marketplace specializing in buyer brokerage! I’ve been disappointed because most of the emphasis has been on representation and agency. What is the business model, and why should an agent eliminate more than half of his clients (listings) to specialize in buyers?  Buyer brokerage is truly an option, but how do we make it profitable?  What systems do we use?  What do you do with the business from sellers and how do we apply technology to its successful implementation?  Buyer brokerage could be a casualty of internet-offered services and the client’s use of technology, unless you offer Walter’s services!  This fast paced seminar will show you how to stay in the middle of a transaction and provide inventory to the potential client that no one else can supply!


The Interactive Real Estate Program: 2 to 4 hours

Backed with his numerous years of experience and over 11,000 closed transactions, Walter Sanford “wings it” using a list of questions, barriers, and difficulties submitted by the audience prior to the event!  This is great for getting them excited about the event!  It will completely cater to your local economy and its changing needs. Walter addresses the issues with systems, strategies, and lasting solutions that are applicable both to your market and to changing needs.

This seminar can show you the wealth of knowledge that only a long-term practitioner could bring to your stage.  He actually gets twenty main problems from your audience and then solves each one to the complete satisfaction of everyone there!  He will offer the solution to the challenge, “I only want to go to a seminar that affects me personally with a real action plan!”

Get Your Life Back — Goal Planning for Top Agents: at least 6 hours recommended

Until now, you’ve felt that you haven’t had the time to put your financial and personal life plan together. In this daylong session, Walter Sanford takes you through idea assembly and organization, strategies, implementation, and commitment to create a personal visual plan. No longer are you allowed to look back unless you determine that’s where you want to be going. Everyone walks out with a “personal business plan”!

This seminar is highly recommended between October and January for goal/business planning.  This is more than goal planning — it’s a specific time-blocked action plan for your agents and other staff, too!


Taking Full Advantage of a Healthy Market — How to Increase Your Profitability in a Good Market: 2 to 4 hours

It’s easier to exploit yourself and your business practices in recessionary markets or booming markets than in a market that’s just going along at a healthy, even pace!  In this two to four hour session, Walter Sanford explains the actions you can take to dramatically increase buyer/seller participation. We will inject easy to duplicate business systems and strategies to the equation! Sanford Systems takes pride in delivering ideas that your agents can use the minute they sit back at their desk! Let’s move your attendees to the next level of production!

Explosive Market Strategies — Strategies for Hectic Markets: 2 to 4 hours

You dreamed of living in a market like this since you first got your license — two-day listings, multiple offers, hungry buyers, fast commissions, and an even faster pace.  Now that you have it, you’re still complaining!  Are you already longing for that slower pace?  Remember those days when you didn’t have to have the fastest car just to get the counter-offer signed?

In this session, Walter Sanford tells you how to thrive, survive, and profit in these hectic times and also how to get more listings, stop the commission cutting, fix FSBOs, and still have a life!

Market Watch — Strategies for Changing Markets: 2 to 4 hours

Did you know that animals can sense a storm is coming?  It’s time you learned to “sense” which way your economy is moving by monitoring the many trends behind the ups and downs.  You need to know where those trends exist at all times so you can mold your business accordingly, maximize your client’s satisfaction, and boost your continued business profitability. Remember, your business practices have to mirror the coming business trends. Walter will tell you what to get ready for!  When your attendees leave, they will have the systems ready for the next market…way before the competition!

For Lenders, Title Reps and Escrow Agents:

Working with the Elephant Real Estate Agent — Strategies to Build Profitable Alliances with Top Producing Real Estate Agents: 2 to 4 hours

Forget the donuts and notepads — it’s time you formed educative and supportive alliances with the best real estate agents in town with RESPA’s blessings.  Walter Sanford shows you how to target the best, approach the best, close on their business, and then leverage that partnership for years to come with benefits to all. You will finally know what to say to that busy top agent in an effort to capture their business.  Lenders will leave with an exact two-year plan to capture or re-capture their REALTOR® business in town!

For Broker/Owner and Managers:

Messages From The Street: 2 to 4 hours

One of the most unique aspects of Walter Sanford’s speaking career is that he has nearly forty years of high production real estate under his belt.  He now has the privilege to network with over 3,000 agents per month.  This is an advantage that we believe no one else has.  Walter will be your national “sponge.”  He categorizes the agent’s needs, hopes, wants, and desires then he shows you, the brokers, owners, and managers how to supply the satisfaction of these needs at the lowest possible cost.  What else is better than to have a finger on the pulse of what your real client truly desires?

Remember, your real client is the real estate agent sitting behind the desk around the corner from your office. This seminar will show everyone who interacts with the recruiting and management of today’s real estate agent on how to systematically give what they’re asking for!  It will provide a to-do list both for recruiting and management of the new and top-producing agent.

Hold Your Agents Accountable for Market Share: 2 to 4 hours

After years of teaching high-producing real estate agents in North America, being one and combing the country for new ideas and workable innovations in the most productive offices in North America — Walter Sanford shares his insights into the challenges that real estate brokers/owners currently face.  He delivers clear-cut plans for market domination and profitability.  He answers those age-old questions of recruitment and net profit in a smoothly-running office. 

This is best accomplished by setting up an office that is seller lead generation friendly and then training the manager, owner, and/or broker on how to hold their agents accountable to fun lead generation!  Managers, owners, and brokers are going to have new ideas on how to build their office into a powerhouse. 


Tell Your Web Designer, “Make it Profitable”: 2 to 4 hours

Oh, those web designers! They want pretty pictures and glowing résumés of fantastic lengths, but have you ever considered the profitability of your website?  Years ago, we used to say, “We have a website,” but now every agent is screaming — “I have a website but how do I make any money with it?”

Walter travels the country interviewing agents and evaluating websites so that you can take the most profitable aspects of those sites and implement them immediately.  How do you get the clients to fill out those forms, and why should they ever come back?  What drives a buyer or seller to actually call the agent after viewing the site?  Walter will take the very best of the real estate websites and show your agents how to use technology for profit — finally!

Samples of Custom Seminars for the National Association of REALTORS® and Other Organizations

Handling Volume Buyers: 2 to 4 hours

Attendees will learn to implement systems that will find quality buyers and turn those quality buyers into committed clients.  Walter will also share how to offer the best service to volume buyers.  This seminar will assist agents in identifying the most able and motivated buyers then how to add the balance to a program allowing them to “simmer.”  Handling Volume Buyers also covers how to implement valuable services to impress the buyers into signing a buyer brokerage agreement.  Additionally, this new “toolkit of buyer services” can be used in finding secret properties for the buyer while adding listings to their personal inventory.  The leads being generated by new technology and third-party websites are only valuable if you turn them into a happy, closed buyer.  This is the best system whether you are a single agent or part of a team.

Seller Leads – 20 Best Ways to Get Them: 2 to 4 hours

Learn to control listing inventory in any market!  This seminar will help agents in identifying their most receptive demographic group(s) for a presentation on how their property can be marketed for sale.  Walter Sanford will also cover how to provide low-cost value to each of the best seller demographics and how to understand the cost to benefit relationships of various contact procedures (social media, blogging, direct mail, etc.).  Remember, the foundation of real estate is growing your personal inventory.  One of the starting places is consistent seller lead generation.  Being an expensive, time-consuming, and unpopular aspect of real estate, this seminar will provide proven, inexpensive, faster, and more enjoyable methods of asking for the listing.

The Wizardry in Top Agent Profitability: 2 to 4 hours

We want to help agents in finding the most efficient road to profitability.  During the seminar, agents will learn to dissect real estate sales and marketing activities and place them in order of profit potential.  They will discover the ways to recapture profitability by concentrating on core activities and learn how to nicely ignore on the unprofitable “noise” in this business.  This will be an enlightening presentation that will humorously allow agents to concentrate on the most profitable activities in real estate, therefore growing their personal estate, becoming a recruiting poster man/woman for their company, and being less inclined to panic for a transaction that can cause dissatisfaction with clientele.

Pull Some Time-Blocks Out of Your Hat: 2 to 4 hours

What does the perfect week look like?  Learn strategies to control unplanned interruptions in your daily business.  Walter Sanford will share the time-blocked systems that helped him in prioritizing his list of profitable activities and helped him learn to be more conscientious of his time.  Many agents do not know what the elite in our business do every week.  The attendees will be amazed at the devotion that top agents have in making time for real estate’s most important activities.

Higher Production and Have a Life: 2 to 6 hours

There is more to life than just real estate. We have been pointed to a kinder and gentler new time. Suddenly, people are reciting “F” words like family, friends, faith, fun, fitness and how all these fit with finances. Maybe for the first time, here is a seminar that covers the exact procedures on how to do more in less time and decide what’s really important to you. Balance makes everyone happier and more profitable. Get out your pencils and write down the simple techniques that allow us to live not only the most productive life, but also the happiest life that real estate can bring us while still paying the bills.

Listing Your Clients Hearts and Minds: 2 to 6 hours

Walter Sanford will show you how top producers are bringing technology and heart into their business. In the age of the mega-producers, Walter will show you the secrets of the superstars including how they control the inventory and their clients. He will show you how to increase your listings, all while having more time for yourself and your family. Walter will show you how to set the pace for listing every property you want to have in your inventory, while organizing your office and marketing for a smooth transition to sold. Learn how Walter’s pre-Listing packet involves the seller from the start and makes them aware of what they should expect as the marketing begins. He will share with you how to handle feedback from showings, how to setup price reductions, and how to overcome other objections that can streamline the selling process. Walter has developed no fail follow-up procedures including the all-important reclaiming and maintaining clients for life system that makes repeat and referral business easy. Make the choice from ordinary to extraordinary. Lock into all the strategies and secrets Walter shares from his nearly forty years of experience.

Job Duties of The Modern Day Assistant: 2 to 6 hours

Remember when you were just happy that your assistant had a pleasing personality and could type? Well, the list of job duties for today’s mega-producer assistant just got longer. What prospecting systems should they immediately take over and what aspects of your internet presence should they be responsible for? Should they control the flow of your systems in your office and provide your clients with automatic and consistent follow-up? How about database maintenance and networking? Where do they fit in? When an agent and/or assistant leaves this seminar, they will have an immediate list of the most profitable and client-pleasing activities. This will lessen the amount of training that an agent has to perform for an assistant to maximize the effectiveness of any assistant. Walter has been the master of assistant training for ten years. Let him show you what he’s learned. To get everyone up to speed, Walter will also include the ten steps that you must complete before you “step” up to an assistant.

Tough Market Strategy Podcast

Many areas of the country have been in a tough market for months now while others are just beginning to enter into a tougher market. Walter Sanford has personally worked through many tough markets. His personal experience allows him to give your attendees hope that you can actually profit during these times! His “Survival of the Fittest” and “Tough Market Strategies” seminars are our two most requested topics. This podcast offers a few of the highlights that Walter would present in these popular and timely seminars.

* To listen or download this podcast by Walter Sanford, please CLICK HERE.




Click on one of the links below to read more about Walter has to say about the real estate market.

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