559 S. Washington Ave., Kankakee,IL 60901

P.815.929.9258 P.815.929.9200

"Thanks I love it! That is the punch we needed. I will change the letter in the morning. Great stuff! You are the BEST!" Jim d’Artenay, Prudential Carolina


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Dear Cyndi:

On behalf of the Professional Development Work Group and the REALTOR@ Association of Pioneer Valley, I want to thank you for being so helpful and cooperative throughout the entire planning process involved in having Walter come and speak to our members in Springfield!

Walter did an amazing job at delivering 3 amazing informative and entertaining presentations to our members! We received wonderful feedback in regards to his presentations and our members are looking forward to putting his strategies to work in the field!

Per your request I have listed some of the feedback that we received from the attendees below for you to use in future marketing materials. I’m happy you enjoyed your experience working with us and hopefully we can work together again in the future!

“Mr Sanford was very energetic & amusing. His ideas made sense.”
“Love his enthusiasm!”
“Excellent presentation (Tough Markets Need Better Tools)! Everyone should have heard this presentation!”
“Lively & funny…some good materials & ideas.”
“Walter Sanford is the BEST speaker RAPV has ever had! Really good stuff’!”
“Looking forward to implementing his ideas.”
“Teaches you survival skills in a tough market-how to be competitive-barracuda!”
“Great presenter! Wonderful ideas!”
“Come back!”
“Great speaker with lots of practical experience.”

Thank you!
Winter Fontaine
REALTOR@ Association of Pioneer Valley

Hi Cyndi:

…Also we want to express our thanks to Walter for attending our event and for helping to make it a success.  We had nothing but positive feedback from our Members, who thought that what Walter had to say was both insightful and practical.

Once again thank you for your efforts to help organize the details, and help to ensure that Walter’s participation went smoothly.

Thanks again for everything and we look forward to possibly working together sometime in the future.


Lori Cimerman
HomeLife Realty Services Inc.

Walter was real and the best . I have been to many from 1976-2011. Sorry for so many that missed him. They missed all of him for only $15 — that is $5.00 per hour.

The Peoria Area Association of REALTORS® must have the smartest and best in the state out selling today…then the rest of us were learning from Walter!

Thank you again, Walter.
Judi Randolph

Hi Walter,

Just wanted to say thank you for doing such a splendid job of delivering the “Meat and Potatoes” instead of a bunch of fluff. The feedback from everyone was assume. Everyone said they picked up an idea or two…which is exactly what we wanted. Thanks again.

Shamiram Mazejy
Coldwell Banker – Clifton

Walter was real and the best . I have been to many from 1976-2011. Sorry for so many that missed him. They missed all of him for only $15 — that is $5.00 per hour.

The Peoria Area Association of REALTORS® must have the smartest and best in the state out selling today…then the rest of us were learning from Walter!

Thank you again, Walter.

Judi Randolph

Thank you very much for your great insight and energy. I will recommend you highly!

Richard Seibel
Real Estate Service

I just wanted to thank you both (Walter and sponsor) for a much needed “tune up” today. I have seen quite a few real estate speakers and I consider Walter Sanford to be better than a speaker. He is an encourager, a mentor and one of the best real estate trainers in the US! I like Walter’s softened totally professional sales approach and his subtle closes. Walter gave us lots of great new ideas today and he made tons of systems and checklists available to make our professional life easier which will lead us to have more confidence which will lead us to talk to more decision makers which will lead us to more closed sales.

Walter’s systems offer professional added value services for our clients, EXACTLY what they need in this challenging market. Now, instead of moaning and complaining that we don’t have an REO connection (note that most REO listing agents MUST surrender a 30-35% referral fees to THIRD party overworked ASSet Managers who can’t make a decision and knows less about the real estate business than most new real estate sales people!) Walter GAVE us all several great suggestions so we can go out and find our own motivated sellers and buyers.

I am committed to start implementing Walter’s systems tomorrow. I am starting with Walter’s “A Property Just Sold Near Your Place” letter. I plan on incorporating at least one new system, letter or checklist each day. I’m pumped again Walter, you reminded me how great this industry is and many thanks to David Jaffe for always coming through for our buyers and for thinking enough of us, to bring in a great motivator, trainer and encourager Mr. Walter Sanford!

Thanks a million gentlemen,
Bill Stevenson

“….Thank you so much for all your efforts in assisting us to have Walter speak to our members.  We had very positive feedback and would highly recommend Walter to other boards/associations who wish to engage a motivational speaker.”

Sandra Bistany
Windsor Essex Real Estate Board

Walter, I have an interesting story that I thought you might enjoy. I have been a REALTOR® for 21 years. I have attended several of your seminars over the years. I was runner-up for rookie of the year for ERA nationally in 1990. I have lived in Bend, OR for the past 16 years.

We have seen hard times the last 3 years or so but have had a resurgence the past 6 months and are busier than ever. It looks like we will have a strong 2011. Due to a family tragedy, I will have to relocate to Boise this summer. It will be hard to leave will business booming and leaving my referral network I worked so hard to build. I do not know a soul in Boise and will be starting from scratch.

During one of your seminars, I picked up “If I Could Start Over Again.”  Because I had been busy, I never bothered to really study it so it gathered dust for the past 10 years or so. As I formulated a strategy to try to “hit the flooring running in Boise,” I remembered your book.  I started studying it with a highlighter in hand. I came away with a very good gameplan for starting over again in Boise thanks to your book.

Being an old horse in the business, thinking I know it all, it was refreshing to read it with an open mind and coming away excited about the move. I feel very confident the learning curve has been made easier with ideas from your book. I wanted to say thanks. I will let you know how your systems and ideas work as I start from scratch to build a brand new business in the highly competitive city of Boise, ID.

Sincerely, Rick

Mr. Sanford, no one has done more to make me a top agent than you and I thank you.  I purchased your system back in 2000 & ran a full page ad in the paper the next day with a picture of me “Walking on Water.”  I went on to become the top agent in my area for 8 straight years thanks to you!  While I have the hard copy of your 360 letters from back then that, with minor tweaking, are still effective today!  ….By the way, people STILL refer to me as the guy who “Walks On Water”!  Thanks again!

Larry Rogawski


Click on one of the links below to read more about Walter has to say about the real estate market.

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