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The gifts of giving with love to others with return to you a hundred fold. Thank you for a new level of life. Terry Murphy, Real Estate Speaker


Developing Your Own Scripts June 14th, 2016 | Posted in General Real Estate, Other Interests, Real Estate

The more effective you are on the phone the more good that will happen in your business. Your clients will perceive you to be a professional, and hopefully they will tell their friends.

Since it’s very difficult for me to perceive every potential hot demographic group available for you to call, I would like to show you how to develop your own script, before we get into my scripts. Here is a sixteen point system that I use to develop my scripts. If you find that I am remiss in including some demographic group, you’ll be ready to fill that niche.

Here’s my checklist on how to develop your own script:

1. Visualize the results that you want to accomplish. The goal is to get an appointment or a calendared re-contact date.

2. Move backward from your goal and outline each major point leading to that goal.

3. Write a flowchart showing each step.

4. Think about open ended questions to get the prospect client involved and interactive. Open ended questions cannot be answered with “yes” or “no.”

5. Write down how you will respond if they say “yes” and what you’ll say if they say “no” in an outline.

6. Imagine your prospects holding out their hands balanced as a scale. Provide them with so many benefits that it is tipped overwhelmingly in your favor for an appointment or later contact date.

7. Since most people are visual thinkers, use visually descriptive words so they can picture the benefits.

8. Be clear, concise, personal, and positive.

9. Work your outline through to a YES.

10. Write your outline into a completely detailed script.

11. Use collective wisdom and compare your scripts with your team.

12. Now, reduce your script back down into a segmented outline.

13. Develop your segmented outline into a conversation.

14. Read it out loud several times to yourself and others to make sure it flows like a conversation.

15. Record it, practice in the mirror, practice with others in the office. Never practice on the prospect.

16. Use a script organizer to get you started! (stay tuned for tomorrow’s post about this very thing!)


Phone Scripts and Moving Beyond Do Not Call retails for $310, but this week, call us at 800.792.5837 to get your copy for just $50 plus shipping.


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