559 S. Washington Ave., Kankakee,IL 60901

P.815.929.9258 P.815.929.9200

Thank you for your words of wisdom and experience. I have already benefited from some of the techniques in your materials. My return on investment will be huge! Thanks again. Mike Fortin, Platinum Group REALTORS®


Ideas to help you get the “in” with the Human Resource Departments February 25th, 2020 | Posted in General Real Estate, Newsletter Archives, Other Interests



Not so long ago I bought the entire package of Sanford systems. I have been looking for a good phone script reference contacting the human resource departments of very large companies and didn’t come across one in my phone scripts book. Would you happen to have a script such a this? Please advise.

Thank you,



You are smart. There are a ton of seller leads in that demographic. Be careful your people do not get hung up on those coming into town who need tours to see if they want to take the job. You have to be clear it is the potential employer’s job to sell them on the job and area. Your job is to sell them a home.

It is the listings that bring in the most net profit. My coaching clients and/or their assistants use a letter detailing all the services that their “Human Resource Service Departments” handle. These services can include the following:

1. Quick seminars put on for employees on the state of the real estate market, financing, problems and their cures, and neighborhood updates.

2. The free 48-hour phone value analysis.

3. Email-enabled free dream home search.

4. Access to lender team member for refinancing and new loans.

5. Approved team member for support in-home inspections, home warranties, termite, title, and other real estate services.

6. Guaranteed same-day return phone call or Email on any question or challenge that an employee has.

7. The contract “look-over” service should any employee find themselves in a real estate transaction with another agent and have a question.

8. Access to the VIP Client Club

Once you put your contact list together, send the offer above and follow-up with the following call:

“Hello, (name). My name is Walter Sanford, and we are rolling out our new Human Resource Department Services. I sent you a letter last week regarding some of the services we offer and wondered if we could set up a small seminar for your employees regarding the current real estate market. Do you have any current employees that need selling services, buying services, or rental services? May I stay in contact with you regarding updates on additional services and to see if any of your employees need real estate services? By the way, on every closing, I would like to donate $500 to the charity that your company supports or possibly toward the employees’ appreciation party.”

I hope this gives you some ideas to capture the HR business!

Since I have retired from the speaking circuit, I have my systems (large books with software) that I was selling from the back of the room at about $1500.00.  These are my newest products and this package includes everything that I have ever done.  As a “pay it forward” opportunity I am now selling these same books and software at my cost, about 94% off.  This is the start of your plan to get to the point where you are living the dream.  This is not anything but selling you the best real estate training materials in the world for 94% less than they were selling for a couple of weeks ago.  You will get 9 books, a whopping 40 pounds of checklists and information that is easy to use.  These volumes have been used by agents in the US and Canada to be the best agent in their market place.  Go here to pick up your foundation for the future.



RANDOM THOUGHTS FROM AN OLD RETIRED REAL ESTATE AGENT September 10th, 2018 | Posted in General Real Estate, Newsletter Archives, Other Interests, Real Estate

Well it has been one year since I got off the speaking circuit.  Forty years of being immersed in real estate.  Always investing, simultaneously doing brokerage and later adding speaking training and coaching. Yes, being an internationally recognized real estate broker and then leveraging that into a speaking, training and coaching company was exciting.  Now I just concentrate on my investments and coaching.  However, as I have spoken about before, investing the proceeds of a successful real estate career into decent area, cash flow, real estate has been the most exciting.  Not only is some of my income now sheltered by depreciation and the money spent to make the properties better, I receive the appreciation for free and am able, upon improving the property, improve the income by raising rents.  I am finishing off the remaining mortgages, buying more and always improving my trust to turn the owned real estate into a multi-generational juggernaut that will be able to tithe to God, provide for my family and future generations.  That provision is not only provides income securtiy but a goal to increase the number of properties and constantly improve the existing inventory.  This challenges my two daughters to see where they “can take it from here”.  Knowing that they do not have to figure out how to “make ends meet” gives me the satisfaction that they can devote their creativity to growing the company and growing the glory to God.  I am living the dream and have God to thank for it.

All of this would have been impossible without God and much, much harder without good real estate systems.  I spent 30 years developing the most aggressive seller lead generation, checklist systems, leverage existing business into more, buyer speed systems, faster and more successful listing presentations, finding property to buy while prospecting for listings and hundreds of other unique systems that allowed me to dominate the competition.  As a shameless commercial, I have a warehouse with a few hundred of my libraries.  This library, a 40 pound box of software and books cost the top agents of North America, $1500.00.  I am selling the package for my cost of $90.00 plus shipping.  Sorry Canada, please find a US address.  Go here to see the video of a retired Walter Sanford hawking his life’s work. 

As I look back on the year, I find some interesting facts:

  1.  I don’t miss real estate brokerage and traveling for my speaking company.
  2. I miss the opportunities that being in brokerage gave me to find investment property.  (My wife Lisa is still the top agent in the county and provides me with some inside tracks on hot real estate!)
  3. I have never been busier.  Buying, improving and managing real estate can be a real rollercoaster.  A substantial amount of my time is still in coaching…taking the greats and wanna be greats to the next level.
  4. Being a conservative I never thought the half million paid into Social Security would ever come back.  Looks like there still might be some for me, albeit in much debased dollars.
  5. Having some personal time that is my own.  Yes there is a difference in working for yourself, vs working for a seller or buyer or being expected to be on stage in a strange place at an exact time.  Peace is easier to come by.  Maybe, it’s just my journey with God.
  6. I think more about pleasing my wife, daughters, and Christ more often.
  7.  Stuff is less important.  As wealth grows, for me, the trappings of wealth are less important.  Maybe too that is just my journey with God.
  8. In my coaching, I find that I want to offer wisdom that I wish others had shared with me.  Learning from committed hearing is always better that by experience.
  9.  I can say for sure that all sin leads to death.
  10. If your goals do not include making a difference in someone else’s life, they won’t mean much when you get older.

Be great in the world’s best job, sincerely,

Walter Sanford

Since I have retired from the speaking circuit, I have my systems (large books with software) that I was selling from the back of the room at about $1500.00.  These are my newest products and this package includes everything that I have ever done.  As a “pay it forward” opportunity I am now selling these same books and software at my cost, about 94% off.  This is the start of your plan to get to the point where you are living the dream.  This is not anything but selling you the best real estate training materials in the world for 94% less than they were selling for a couple of weeks ago.  You will get 9 books, a whopping 40 pounds of checklists and information that is easy to use.  These volumes have been used by agents in the US and Canada to be the best agent in their market place.  Go here to pick up your foundation for the future.

Accountants in Your Town August 11th, 2017 | Posted in General Real Estate, Newsletter Archives, Real Estate

Today wraps up our weekly series on growing your team.  We hope that you have enjoyed this series, and more importantly, we hope that you are inspired to continue growing your team with client-focused affiliates.

Live conversation script:

(Agent’s name) asked me to call you because in your profession as an (professional status) you may be in a position to advise clients as to which real estate professional to use when a need develops.  Can (agent’s name) meet with you or send you some information so you will feel comfortable in referring his/her services?

Positive:  (Mail) – Great!  After you receive the information, I will have (agent’s name) call you.  Is there a time when you are most often in the office?

(Phone) – Great!  I will have (agent’s name) call you.  Is there a time when you are most often in the office?  Also, many forms, calculators, listings and free services are available at (agent’s name)’s website at  It might be the tool you need if you are trying to determine market value for a client.

Negative:  Okay.  Is there ever a need for the advice of the top real estate professional in your business?

Positive:  Great!  I’ll have (agent’s name) call you!  Have a great day!

Negative:  Well, remember (agent’s name) if the time ever comes and I’ll send you his card.  Have a great day!

Voice Mail Script:

Good (morning, afternoon, evening).  This is _______________.  I work for a top real estate broker/agent in (city), (agent’s name).  Please call (agent’s name) at (phone number), he/she would like to discuss how his/her expert knowledge of local real estate would be of benefit to your clients.  Also, we have many free services like free appraisals and 1031 Tax Deferred Exchange information at  Thank you and have a great day!

Letter/Postcard/Email Follow Up:




City, ST  Zip


Thank you for speaking with my assistant the other day.  I have worked at (company name) providing great real estate service for (#) years.  It is my desire to impress your clients and thus add another service to your practice.

Enclosed are my credentials.  I will be calling you soon to discuss how using (company’s name) will be to our mutual benefit.


(agent’s name)


P.S.    Take a look at our website, for features your clients can use immediately.  Sections like free appraisals, free property searches, mortgage calculators, rent vs. buy analysis, and free information on Tax Deferred Exchange under Internal Revenue Code 1031.


Walter’s Phone Scripts & Moving Beyond Do Not Call is your go-to resource for scripts, emails, and letters that you or an assistant can easily begin using today.  Phone Scripts includes the hiring, and management of telemarketers plus the 60 hottest groups to go after when they have shown interest in your service.

This manual even includes what to say when leaving a voice mail.  Follow-up emails are included, too.  It’s a great manual for an assistant as well with do not call opportunities!

Check out the details:  Call 800.792.5837 and ask for the $50 blog special on this system!


Get the Fifteen Small Exterior Improvements that Bring the Biggest Bucks from My Buyers April 24th, 2017 | Posted in General Real Estate, Newsletter Archives, Real Estate

A little sweat equity and some minor cost improvements can make a BIG difference when you’re choosing to put a house on the market. This checklist will help in preparing your sellers, maybe even before they become your sellers!

Include this document under the “sellers” section of your website.

1. Have your lawn cut and edged. Trim trees and shrubs, removing all dead limbs and debris.

2. Check the exterior of items like siding, window sashes, trim, and shutters. Clean these areas and/or paint, as needed. Give special attention to the front door area.

3. Make sure your gutters are clean of debris. Wash or paint, as needed. Re-align the gutters if they look crooked.

4. Replace broken windows, doors, and screens. Make sure each looks clean and in good condition.

5. Wash driveways and sidewalks. Patch holes and try to remove stains.

6. Repair any broken areas of your fence, deck, patio, etc. Make sure these areas are clean and in good shape.

7. Arrange outdoor furniture and firewood neatly. Put away all lawn equipment, bikes, and other toys.

8. Check the roof for shingles or flashing that needs replacing or repair.

9. Touch up the “little things” – house numbers, mailbox, doorbell, etc.

10. Add color to your yard and front porch with flowers and/or hanging plants.

11. Repaint the address on your curb, if available.

12. Install decorative metal or stone borders between your lawn and planting beds.

13. Add large potted plants. Borrow if necessary.

14. Add fertilization or other greening agent to everything.

15. Buy an expensive outside porch light.


This is all part of my pre-listing consultation. I have a handyman who can quickly and inexpensively make these small repairs to bring HUGE dividends plus he does not get paid until we close on your home! Click here to arrange for a pre-listing consultation.


Lead generation is what builds your business and keeps your pipeline full, no matter what the market says! Grow Your Leads: Just Add Wa(l)ter is a hefty book full of detailed and complete prospecting systems, and it includes the data CD (digital copy). This is also a great manual for an assistant.

Call 800.792.5837 and ask for the $50 blog special on Grow Your Leads: Just Add Wa(l)ter. Check out the content details here:

Congratulations on Your Engagement January 18th, 2017 | Posted in General Real Estate, Newsletter Archives, Real Estate

We used to have to wait for engagement announcements to come in the newspaper, but thanks to cell phones, text messaging, and social media – the news travels much faster!

Whether you read about an engagement in the newspaper (will require some research), through your personal network, or through a social media post – this is a great letter to introduce yourself and the services that you can offer a couple who is beginning a new life together.

Again, with a slight re-work, this would be a fantastic Facebook ad to target newly engaged couples!





City, ST Zip


Congratulations on your engagement!  I have enclosed an extra copy of your announcement from the newspaper.

I am a top broker/agent in (your town). I know this is an exciting yet hectic time for you. If you are considering purchasing a home or condo in the near future, I would be very happy to assist you with purchasing the best residence at the lowest price. My lender team member will even get you more than ten options for financing. If you need to sell a property or two before buying your new home, we have ways to arrange simultaneous closings.

On my website, you can fill out my “Buyer’s Wish List,” and I will email or mail you every property, every week that meets your needs.  You can also call me at 815.929.9258. I will personally match you with one of my buyer specialists.


Walter Sanford

Sanford Systems

Enclosure: engagement announcement


Through the years, I’ve collected many letters for just about every aspect in this business.  Super Emails, Letters, and Web Content is a beast of a manual at over 700 pages with some of the best in my collection!  This manual is the finest of lead generation letters, emails, and web content.  They’ve all been tested for profitability.  This manual will become the foundation of your direct mail, email, and database solicitation department.  Included is the data CD, which is a digital copy for easier implementation.

Check out the details  Call 800.792.5837 and ask for the $50 blog special on this system!




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