559 S. Washington Ave., Kankakee,IL 60901

P.815.929.9258 P.815.929.9200

The gifts of giving with love to others with return to you a hundred fold. Thank you for a new level of life. Terry Murphy, Real Estate Speaker


Assistant Quest: The Search for a “Good One” September 14th, 2016 | Posted in General Real Estate, Other Interests, Real Estate

It can be a simple process to locate the “perfect” real estate telemarketer.  The following are ads that we used in placement at community colleges, colleges, universities, and senior centers.  We faxed, emailed, or hand delivered the ad to the job placement centers.  Online bulletin boards, job forums, and even local Facebook forums are great sources as well; even your personal/business Facebook page is a great place to announce that you’re growing your business!

The Ads to Hire:

1. Top real estate agent needs phone help! You must be energetic, goal-oriented, and a positive person.  Flexible hours and above average pay to start!  Call Sanford Systems and ask for Cyndi at 815.929.9258.

2. Top real estate agent needs a telephone helper. You must be energetic, goal-oriented, and a positive person.  Flexible hours, weekend hours, and above average salary plus commissions!  Call Sanford Systems and ask for Cyndi at 815.929.9258.

3. Can you help people on the phone? My real estate buyers and sellers want to depend on me for solid answers, quick responsive service, and an honest commitment to taking care of their needs.  I want you to help me take care of them.  Having telemarketing experience in your resume is great, but it’s not the only hiring factor for this position.  I’m looking for someone who is naturally friendly, has good phone skills and grammar, and is willing to learn about this business to be able to provide a variety of answers for a variety of buyer/seller concerns.  Administrative skills and computer knowledge are a plus.  Show me dedication, a true interest in my clients’ concerns and that occasional moment when professional patience is required — I’ll grow you in my company, either administratively or in the sales end of real estate.  I provide a flexible work week of 15 to 20 hours and pay a guaranteed income plus a piece of the action.  Please call me, Walter Sanford, today at 815.929.9258 for a quick phone interview.  I look forward to meeting you.

I loved this ad above because it promoted my service as a great REALTOR®, and it would find me an all-purpose assistant!



If you have any experience in telemarketing, you know it’s an easy career to feel “burn out.”  This is primarily because most telemarketers are asked to call cold prospects — people who are chosen randomly from certain lists who may or may not have an interest in the product you’re selling.  At Sanford Systems, I’ve taken the cold shoulder out of cold calling.  For several years, I’ve been carefully honing my marketing and service programs in the Long Beach area to encourage buying and selling prospects to call me.  Once they make contact, my telemarketing team begins a relationship with these prospects to further educate them on the unique programs I provide.  Having telemarketing experience in your resume is great, but it’s not the only hiring factor for this position.  I’m looking for someone who is naturally friendly, has good phone skills and grammar, and is willing to learn about this business to be able to provide a variety of answers for a variety of buyer/seller prospect concerns.  Computer knowledge and a real estate license are a plus.  Show me dedication, a true interest in educating our warm prospects, and you’ll grow in my company.  This position offers you a guaranteed income plus a commission.  I ask for 15 to 20 hours a week, preferably evenings and Saturdays.  Please call me, Walter Sanford, directly at 815.929.9258 to make an appointment.  I look forward to meeting you.


The word “telemarket” in any ad sometimes conjures up a very negative or frightening picture to most people.  They imagine themselves sitting in a large room with other people on the phone, with a supervisor constantly harassing them, reviewing their calls and their production.  If you are looking for an experienced telemarketer, these ads really pull!  They can also be placed in your local paper in the “help wanted” section.  I also recommend your small community papers and college papers.  Also, try these sources:

  1. Call your local community college or university and ask the business teachers, DECA club, and any sales and marketing teachers for the names of their best and most outgoing students who might be interested.
  1. Call your local senior citizen community groups and ask to speak to the director. Ask the director to recommend someone he thinks might be interested.
  1. Call your local community job placement services.
  1. Call a professional job placement service (headhunters). This might cost you but many times it can be well worth it.
  1. Ask members of your family. Teenagers are some of the best telemarketers I’ve ever had!
  1. Think of past clients that you have met who have a lot of enthusiasm and might be interested in working with you a few hours a day. One of my dearest friends telemarketed on my behalf two afternoons a week and she was great!
  1. In California, there is a program in some of the high schools called R.O.P. (Regional Occupational Program). This program will allow you to teach high school students a job skill such as telemarketing.  They also receive school credit.  Sometimes, you do not have to pay them a salary.
  1. Another source for us has been tenants who rent property through our real estate office. When we meet a tenant who has a little “sparkle” to their personality, we then ask them if they would like to subsidize their rent by working a few hours a day.
  1. One REALTOR® I knew in California used his mother! What a perfect person to speak about how great you are.  It’s a way that he could help out his mother and also spend time with her two evenings a week.
  1. Ask all staff for recommendations.
  1. Place an ad in your local real estate bulletin. Sometimes you will get a call from an inactive or retired real estate agent who would like to make calls on your behalf.
  1. Place an ad in your local community paper.
  1. Place an ad in your larger metropolitan paper.
  1. Fax an ad to the community and state colleges in your area.
  1. Place an ad at a nursery school. Sometimes moms/dads can earn some extra money while their children are at school.


Every community is different and there are many other possibilities.  Since you can learn from my experiences, the number one place to find your great telemarketing representative is from the training and production grounds of your affiliates, competition, and neighboring businesses.  Always be on the look-out for that competitor who is growing at an alarming rate.  You can do what the headhunters do and impress the competition’s telephone people with your personality and checkbook.

Don’t forget those affiliated industries.  Sometimes those lenders, title representatives, and classified ad people have great (already trained) telephone killers.  Lastly, do your own interview every time you get one of those unwelcome telephone calls at home from the local sheriff’s auxiliary group!


Walter’s Phone Scripts & Moving Beyond Do Not Call is your go-to resource for scripts, emails, and letters that you or an assistant can easily begin using today.  Phone Scripts includes the hiring, and management of telemarketers plus the 60 hottest groups to go after when they have shown interest in your service.  This manual even includes what to say when leaving a voice mail.  Follow-up emails are included, too.  It’s a great manual for an assistant as well with do not call opportunities!

Check out the details:  Call 800.792.5837 and ask for the $50 blog special on this system!


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