559 S. Washington Ave., Kankakee,IL 60901

P.815.929.9258 P.815.929.9200

"Just wanted to say thank you for doing such a splendid job of delivering the “Meat and Potatoes” instead of a bunch of fluff. The feedback from everyone was assume. Everyone said they picked up an idea or two…which is exactly what we wanted. Thanks again." Shamiram Mazejy, Coldwell Banker – Clifton


NOT IMPORTANT, NOT URGENT March 10th, 2008 | Posted in General Real Estate

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What is not important to your goals and core values. What is not urgent to your goals and core values. Well, how will you know if you don’t know your core values? Here are mine.
1. Live a life that is a testimony to Jesus Christ
2. Allow my little girls my time when it would make a difference
3. Financial Security when all else is insecure
4. Making a differnece in my unique direction
5. Being a better husband than my wife suspects that I am
6. And in constant conflict with number 1, owning lots of quality stuff

Now the next step is making goals that are concurrent and complimentary with the above. Do you now see how easy it is for me to eliminate the NOT IMPORTANT, NOT URGENT? Such as…..
A. Nicely shutting people out of my life that continue to be negative or going in the wrong direction
B. Staying away from business that has a low percentage of success or profit
C. Not staying up or catching up with gossip
D. Firmly and nicely saying no to activities that don’t mirror my core values
E. Most items that do not further my goals

Do you see why it is easy for me to get off the phone faster, have shorter meetings, show up less often, be involved in less pitches and have less but higher quality relationships?

Try writing out your core values (the stuff that makes you tick). The goals you need to achieve that are in concert with those values and a list of the little disturbances that get in the way of the previous two.

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