559 S. Washington Ave., Kankakee,IL 60901

P.815.929.9258 P.815.929.9200

"Thanks I love it! That is the punch we needed. I will change the letter in the morning. Great stuff! You are the BEST!" Jim d’Artenay, Prudential Carolina


I’m in Love with Divorce Attorneys July 27th, 2011 | Posted in General Real Estate, Real Estate

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I recently received an inquiry about working with divorce attorneys, a practice that I did regularly as an agent in “no-fault” California! I thought the exchange of information might be helpful to you in your lead generation systems, too.


I purchased 5 of your books last year at an educational seminar held in Washington, and I have used them extensively. I am just now working on attorney referrals, and in your Super Emails, Letters, and Web Content book, you have a letter entitled “Divorce Attorneys — I Want to Get Your Client’s Home SOLD.” At the end of that letter, you refer to an outline of 20 services you have for divorcing couples. Can you please tell me where I find that outline?


Hi, Kathleen. I solicited attorneys of the divorce sort for years. They are easy to find. They almost always need to sell real estate to settle a case and get paid. I would send them a letter about the services that we could offer then follow up with a phone call after making it past the gate keeper.

The letter would detail how we were specialists in real estate sales for divorcing couples. I would include testimonials from attorneys that we had helped in the past. I would also include items that we include as value-added services:

1. Free analysis of guaranteed sales value within 48 hours.
2. Free marketing plans, customized to the owner’s needs and including a time analysis so both parties can plan their moves.
3. Complete discretion. There will be no disclosure to the agents who work at my company or to the buyers who make offers on the subject property regarding the litigation status of the property owners.
4. Appointments will be made with the resident, prior to any showings.
5. Future living arrangements can be made should the need be rentals or a new purchase.
6. If a new purchase, submittals for consideration will be sent regularly during the marketing of the jointly-owned home.
7. Pre-approval with a local “power” lender will provide as much leverage as possible on any new purchase.
8. A credit repair facility will be offered, should that be necessary to achieve the best rates on any new loan.
9. Should either party require a purchase in any city in the world, we can suggest one of the top agents of that area.
10. Should either party require a new home, inventory not regularly shown to customers will be generated. I show the normal MLS submittals in addition to currently off-market properties in the area of their choice, old expireds, FSBOs, and other potential sellers which are not normally shown. These options would be considered as “secret properties.”
11. All information will be presented individually or together to the divorcing couple, based on their desire. No information will be shared about the other’s business, unless permission is obtained.
12. Weekly updates will be provided to both parties, together or separately.
13. Updated comparable sales, current comparable listings, and current comparable expired listings will be provided weekly.
14. All marketing, value updates, offers, and negotiations can be submitted to the clients, their attorneys, or both.
15. Repair suggestions will be submitted to maximize value. All repairs are guaranteed to be worth 125% of cost towards ultimate sales price.
16. Feedback from every showing will be submitted to the designated interested parties.
17. Re-pricing matrixes will be submitted every 30 days to make sure the property keeps pace with the market.
18. Any contracts submitted will be explained to all interested parties. A net proceeds analysis will be submitted. A suggested counter offer will be tendered with the reasons for the changes and how they will help achieve the client’s goals.
19. I will be available for phone calls and online consultation with a guaranteed same day answer.
20. I will monitor the closing while having the goal of a seamless move into new properties.

The letter would go on to ask if they have ever heard of an agent who would take on this much trouble to help clients who are going through turmoil. Explain how a referral from them would reflect well on me.

These letters are sent regularly with new marketing concepts and success stories to the attorneys. Follow-up calls will need to be made. When I followed this plan, I dominated my area.

This is just one more demographic for a seller lead generation system that you can dominate as my clients continue to do. It is time you got started on the road to dominance in one of the greatest businesses ever and get on the road to becoming rich.


An oil and gas lease lottery millionaire by age 16, Walter S. Sanford was in massive debt by the time he was 22. Taking his winnings, he invested in over 400 units and found that high leverage real estate can be detrimental to your financial health.

Obtaining his real estate brokerage license during the 80s, Walter went on to become what some believe to be one of the top agents in North America. He built his career on systems that are in demand by virtually ever major franchise and top producing agent in the world. 1995 was Walter’s best year, in the midst of a real estate depression in Southern California, where he personally closed 316 transactions.

Walter Sanford now coaches some of the top agents and travels internationally to deliver his seminars based upon systems with velocity increased by technology. He is the author of 10 ground-breaking books and software that assist top real estate producers in not only beating the competition but also providing lasting estates for their future. Systems are his passion.

Walter has been buying or selling real estate for the past 35 years. It took a long time for Walter to find balance, but today, he runs a successful coaching and training business. He enjoys life in “small town America” with his wonderful wife and two darling daughters.

Many speakers and trainers have never been involved in real estate brokerage aspects and none have ever been involved to Walter’s extent. If you would like to know more about Walter, please visit You’ll find more information about how to hire Walter as a speaker or coach and how to obtain his ground-breaking products for your library. Walter can also be reached at 800.792.5837 or

2 Responses to “I’m in Love with Divorce Attorneys”

  1. HELP!
    Good morning, my name is Dina Chebotareva, I’m a 23 year old Real estate agent in Seattle, WA that has been in the business for a year in a half. I sold 17 homes within the first 6 months in the business and a total of 32 homes within the year and a half but I know I can do much much better and take advantage of the current Hot Market here. ( I did take 4 months of personal time off in 2016 due to a broken engagement) I have been writing my business plan to focus on targeting divorce attorneys in the Seattle market. I found your letter very useful but was wondering if you have scripts and more content on focusing on divorce attorneys. I do look slightly older for my age in the way I handle myself and dress but I feel like I need help in providing attorney’s an item of value when I schedule a quick meeting. Did you, Mr. Sanford meet the attorneys or only mail with a follow-up call? I plan to mail the letter, follow-up call, and schedule a face to face.. I would really like to know what to say when I call and what to say when I meet. I would really appreciate your help!

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