559 S. Washington Ave., Kankakee,IL 60901

P.815.929.9258 P.815.929.9200

It was a pleasure to attend your seminar in San Francisco on Thursday. You are a truly excellent speaker and by the time you were finished, I was excited about getting into residential real estate! You are doing good work in the world. Brian Tracy, Real Estate Speaker


Expired Script May 31st, 2016 | Posted in General Real Estate, Other Interests, Real Estate

Hi, my name is _________________.  I work for (agent’s name), a leading real estate broker/agent in (city).

I’m doing a quick survey of all the expired listings in your area today to determine why they didn’t sell.  Would you please help me with a few simple questions?  I’ll share the results with you so you know what to watch out for.

  1. Is your home presently for sale?
  2. Why do you feel your home didn’t sell?
  3. How did you happen to choose the company you listed with?
  4. What did they do that you liked best?
  5. What do you feel they should have done?
  6. What do you expect from the next company that you list with?
  7. Why are you moving?
  8. Where are you moving to?
  9. How did you determine the price?
  10. When do you have to be in your new home?
  11. Did your last agent have a daily marketing plan to get homes sold in this market?
  12. What is important about moving?
  13. Ultimately, what will all this do for you?

May I arrange an appointment for you to meet with (agent’s name) for a half hour or less so he/she can discuss his/her ideas on selling your property so you can achieve (see highest value in #13).

When would be the best time for (agent’s name) to show you his/her marketing plan?  Would (date) or (date) be better?

Positive:       Great.  What (time) be more convenient for you?

Negative:     Can (agent’s name) call you to update you on sales in the area that affect your value?  Have you considered refinancing this property?


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