559 S. Washington Ave., Kankakee,IL 60901

P.815.929.9258 P.815.929.9200

Walter, thanks for speaking in front of Exit Realty Florida last month. It was great stuff and my agents really appreciated you, your presentation, and your books and tapes. Thanks for an enlightening day! Steve Marabel, EXIT Realty All Stars


Spring Letter to Build Your Summer Database January 31st, 2017 | Posted in General Real Estate, Other Interests, Real Estate

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Spring will be here before we know it!  The market “thaw” has already begun in many areas across the country.  Be prepared with this lead generation email to send to your database and to share with your social media followers (by the way, shouldn’t they be in your database, too!?).


RE: Spring Is Here!

I hope that everything is fine with you (and your family) and that you have some great plans for summer. I have some big news: I recently hosted a major seminar for local buyers and sellers. The event was very successful, but more importantly, it provided us with many referrals of people moving into and out of the (your city) area.

Added Value for You!

One of my main goals this year is to provide you with extra benefits not available from other REALTORS®.  In the past, my “VIP Client Club” included a host of free services for my clients and associates, and because you have been affiliated with my company at one time, I am happy to provide these services to you, too.

At your convenience, please review the list of services on our website at  Be sure to update your contact information when requesting any of these services, because that is how you can be invited to all of our special events.

Market Improves:

One of the reasons that this has been such a good year for my clients is that the real estate market has been bolstered by reasonable interest rates. Now is the time to sell your home and take advantage of the bargains that are prevalent in the marketplace.

This year has been my personal best year to date.  More people have been referring their friends to me for real estate inquiries or needs than we have had any year before. That brings me to ask this question: have you ever heard of your “reticular activator”? The reticular activator is a mechanism in your brain that heightens your awareness of certain things that you may never have noticed before.  For example, remember when you bought a new car?  Then suddenly, you saw dozens of the same model on the road!

You may wonder why I am writing to you about this phenomenon.  Well, until I learned about it and applied it to my business, I thought that as my client, active or inactive, you would notice everyone around you with a real estate need and naturally refer them to me.

How Presumptuous on My Part!

Even though I have been very pleased with the yearly percentage of my business that comes from my client referrals, I learned that without a direct and conscious message to the brain, you are not particularly likely to notice people who are interested in buying and selling real estate.  In fact, chances are that a number of your friends and associates have bought or sold homes since we first met…people whom I would have been delighted to help and who may have substantially benefited from the level of service I would have provided them.  In fact, I would have dropped everything for someone who mentioned your name.

Are You with Me on This?

So, here is my point. In the next year, my goal is to spend more time in service to past clients and less time in pursuit of new clients.  I would much rather be helping you and others like you than advertising to the general public for new business. In other words, I would like to continue even more in the direction of working BY REFERRAL ONLY!

Would you “turn on” your reticular activator so that when you hear the phrase “real estate,” you automatically think “Walter Sanford”?

Start noticing, and I mean NOTICING! We both might be surprised by the results! This approach will allow me to help more people like you to achieve their real estate goals more knowledgeably, more quickly, and more profitably.  And I have good news for you: when I successfully complete a transaction with someone whom you referred to me, I will send $400 to the charity of your choice.

Other News:

I now have two licensed real estate assistants.  Some of you might already know Cyndi Hayward, who has been with me for more than fourteen years. New to our company is Daniela Stidham.  Both of these associates will allow me to better serve my clients’ needs. You may call Cyndi or Daniela at my office anytime between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.  They are both the best!  We also have hired other team members to help with the always-busy summer months ahead and to specialize in other areas of real estate; we truly are a one-stop shop!  I look forward to keeping in touch with you more often this year.  Remember, do not hesitate to call me with any questions you might have, or call with any other real estate needs.

Please continue to accept my calls as well.  I am here to HELP PEOPLE for the duration of the buying or selling process!

Please help us with any updates on your mailing addresses, email address, or phone numbers so that we can keep you up-to-date with the current (your city) real estate market and how you can benefit.


Walter Sanford

Sanford Systems


Through the years, I’ve collected many letters for just about every aspect in this business.  Super Emails, Letters, and Web Content is a beast of a manual at over 700 pages with some of the best in my collection!  This manual is the finest of lead generation letters, emails, and web content.  They’ve all been tested for profitability.  This manual will become the foundation of your direct mail, email, and database solicitation department.  Included is the data CD, which is a digital copy for easier implementation.

Check out the details at 800.792.5837 and ask for the $50 blog special on this system!


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