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"Thank you for another great conference. Walter Sanford was energetic and delivered some great information as well." Carla Rigsby CENTURY 21 Really Group


Showing Even More Value – Part Two February 28th, 2017 | Posted in General Real Estate, Other Interests, Real Estate

Yesterday, we started the ball rolling of proceeding through the pre-listing period and listing presentation process.  If you didn’t catch yesterday’s blog post, please go back and read it for the full picture on this value proposition for your clients.

Aside from those that you’ve already offered (standard), no more services should be necessary if this client has already decided to list with you; however, as we have discussed before, there must be something else preventing a final decision.  The purpose of this list below is to show you more items that will not cost you a lot or items that you already have to do.  Another reason you have to keep talking is to drown out the objection that is keeping them from signing.

Be sure to spotlight the following:

  1. The benefits of your signage, especially if you have some of the outstanding new, solar-powered night lights on your signs.
  2. Electronic lockboxes that can actually record the identification of the showing agent.
  3. Explanation tent cards pointing out salient features of the home and placed in strategic areas of the home.
  4. An in-home presentation book outlining more details of the property such as repair receipts, capital expenses, upgrades, utilities, a list of the “Seller’s Favorite Things about the Home,” and other items of interest to a potential buyer.
  5. The use of your brochure box with insert packages outlining the features of their property. You can also include a flyer with ten ways in which a buyer can be financed, with a cover letter welcoming the buyers to consider the home and the advantages of working with the listing agent. You can further explain that all of your other listings will be attached to this flyer; therefore, their listing will be in each of your brochure boxes around the city.
  6. The creation of a detailed listing brochure for the brochure box for distribution to real estate agents at REALTOR® events, to buyers, and to cooperative agents to take home and “consider” the benefits of owning the property. Be careful with full-color, multi-paged brochures because they are expensive and add little to the probability of eventual sale.
  7. The MLS in general, but more specifically, capturing the real estate agents proven in the MLS to specialize in this type of property in this price range. You can go on to say how you contact this “top 10%” through weekly E-mails that promote the property’s benefits and how you will follow up on any interest from these real estate agents most likely to sell the home.
  8. Your connection and promotion of Internet promotion. Please have a list of every website that will absorb the listing. In fact, pre-loading their information on your website might be the fastest way to demonstrate the power and speed of Internet marketing.
  9. Your list of checklists that ensure consistent customer service. If you do not have an office checklist manual, call our office for our checklist book. It is a thick manual full of the checklists that I utilized in my own real estate business, guaranteeing that the client’s goals were met.
  10. The “bells and whistles” that technology provides. This would include video or seamed pictures in a virtual tour format.
  11. The feedback system that is customized to benefit each client. Make certain sellers understand that the feedback we are interested in is feedback from interested clients. When a client calls and asks about feedback from a recent showing that means that you have not given them “the speech.”  The speech is as follows:“As your agent, I seek out feedback from interested clients.  That means that they have called and asked me questions or filled out our form on our feedback-enabled website.  We have to be careful of soliciting feedback from uninterested clients or cooperative agents.  These two groups of people will rack their brains for any negatives to rationalize the simple fact that the property just did not work for them.  The solicitation of unhelpful feedback is a waste of our marketing time.  Please be assured that I will report to you any feedback from any interested client showings.”
  12. Any broker-paid, affiliate-sponsored, or free advertising. It would be a goal to minimize print advertising especially because the Internet has taken over so much visual advertising. Remember, the listing presentation in this book will be good enough to minimize a client’s request for expensive print advertising outside the realm of the Internet.  Use print advertising to advertise all of your buyer’s desires!
  13. The famous “15-Minute Open Hour Tour” will be a jaw-dropping and eye-opening perceived value to the seller.
  14. Your Internet search engine strategy. This should be demonstrated on site by using a geographical word search that will enable them to find your website easily. I believe that every top agent should be able to be found on Google or Yahoo with search words having to do with the geographical area they operate in, i.e. “Long Beach real estate.”  Watch the cost of pay-per-click!
  15. Your direct mail programs, not only to your database, but also to the buyers most demographically viable to buy the home. Do not forget those cooperative agents who specialize in this price range and area, as we previously discussed.
  16. Your “Do Not Call” compliant marketing programs to businesses, cooperative agents, and your database. It would be appropriate at this time to talk about your “have/want” database, where you have recorded all your clients’ “wants” during your career. Continue with how you will contact those “wanters” who are interested in a property that falls within the same parameters as the “new listing.”
  17. Your negotiation abilities as evidenced by the list-to-sale ratio of your past sellers compared to the board averages. For instance, if a board list-to-sale ratio is 95% and you (or your office) have a list-to-sale ratio of 97%, then you can rightly prove that you are adding 2% more to a client’s net bottom line because of your negotiation abilities. This can also be enhanced by any certificates that you have received from seminars, training you in the fine art of negotiations.  By the way, showing the client your documentation of education from any seminar is a great perceived-value.  Maybe the higher list-to-sale ratio is because of your superior marketing?
  18. Your superior rate of sale. Show clients how you (or your office) beat the average days on market at the board. If the average days on market at the board is 97 days and your average is 27 days, you can show them the amount of carrying costs that will be saved because of the faster sale due to your more elaborate and successful marketing strategies, including your buyer’s assistance program found in our Buyer Net Profit system.
  19. Your great office with its great reputation and outstanding individual agent track records. Please highlight these features since many sellers believe they are listing with the office as much as the individual agent. In fact, if you are new and without an established reputation, one of the greatest perceived values you have is the reputation of a great firm. Show them your office mission statement and your own personal mission statement.  Once again, show them the benefits of being involved with a team.


Further into the system “Beating the Competition Every Time,” I include some services offering high-perceived value at a low cost and time quotient.  This book is also today’s blog special!

Be the best at obtaining and selling your listings!  Walter’s Beating the Competition Every Time is a multi-media system offering what you need to get the signature.

Check out the details here:  Call 800.792.5837 and ask for the $50 blog special on this system!


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