559 S. Washington Ave., Kankakee,IL 60901

P.815.929.9258 P.815.929.9200

Walter, thanks for speaking in front of Exit Realty Florida last month. It was great stuff and my agents really appreciated you, your presentation, and your books and tapes. Thanks for an enlightening day! Steve Marabel, EXIT Realty All Stars


“Walter, We Need to Think About It.” Part Three March 9th, 2017 | Posted in General Real Estate, Other Interests, Real Estate

Another objection that you might hear is the length of listing objection. Before answering this objection, you must know that six-month listings are more profitable than 90-day listings, and one-year listings are more profitable than six-month listings. I can remember many instances when a property sold in the eleventh month of a twelve month listing.

In a market that is going down, motivated sellers will drop their prices. The ones who are not motivated will seek to blame the lack of sales progress on you and will want to move to another agent. Having a one-year listing eliminates this discussion.

It will then become incumbent upon you to keep the seller happy with information and progress reports. You have to get the listing in the first place to make any of this happen! Many times though, as you are going for a one-year listing and you need to quiet the length of listing objection, you are going to have to offer some sort of an exit guarantee that is included in this document below (and would be included in your listing presentation).

The easy exit guarantee document simply shows the seller that you are confident in the services and promises that you have made, and you will only ask for a simple reimbursement of a small portion of the overhead that you spent on the listing, which is referred to the as the “MLS Submission Fee Reimbursement.”

This would be the reimbursement for the time spent in producing the CMA, the presentation, and the activities done early in the promotion. This document also asks them to not sell to anyone who was shown the property during the listing period unless you are representing them with a payable commission.

This cancellation would be handled with the MLS form that provides for the cancellation of the listing. The “easy exit” goes a long way in eliminating any fears of someone signing a lengthy contract. If you believe that you can trust your sellers and want to offer an easy exit guarantee or performance with fewer strings, then this might be your choice.

The important part of overcoming this objection is giving them a listing presentation that is full of value. I have this document and LOADS more in our listing presentation system, which would overwhelm your sellers with value.

Offering all this value costs time. The seller should be made aware that this is a commissioned business, and you are offering all this work up front with the expectation of a remuneration down the road. The shorter time will limit the potential for profit down the road.

Again, if this argument cannot be properly made or the seller is stubborn, I have found the easy exit guarantee solved the problem.

Easy Exit Listing Guarantee

What’s your biggest fear when you list your home with a real estate agent?

It is simple. You worry about being locked into a lengthy listing contract with a less than competent real estate agent, costing your home marketing plan valuable time and exposure on the market. We are not that agent so…..

Worry, no more. Sanford Systems takes the risk and fear out of listing your home with a real estate agent. How? Through our EASY EXIT Listing Guarantee.

When you list your home through Sanford Systems EASY EXIT Listing Guarantee, you can cancel your listing with us at any time. No hassles. It is easy!

 You can cancel your listing at any time with an $(set a reasonable fee) MLS submission fee reimbursement. *

 You can relax, knowing you will not be locked into a lengthy contract without results.

 You can enjoy the caliber of service confident enough to make this offer.

Walter has strong opinions about real estate service. He believes that if you are unhappy with the service you receive, you should have the power to fire your agent.

It takes a strong belief in the quality of one’s services to take this kind of stand, but Walter never settles for less than the highest professional standards for himself and his team. He is confident that you will be pleased with his service and results. If you no longer want to sell, then take it off the market with no hassles.


Transaction Coordinator
Sanford Systems and Strategies

* Payable at cancellation with agreement not to sell without commission agreement to any buyers introduced to seller during the original listing period.

Be the best at obtaining and selling your listings! Walter’s Beating the Competition Every Time is a multi-media system offering what you need to get the signature.

Check out the details here: Call 800.792.5837 and ask for the $50 blog special on this system!

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