559 S. Washington Ave., Kankakee,IL 60901

P.815.929.9258 P.815.929.9200

"I think we had a great meeting in Savannah. The comments received in your presentation were all positive. Thank you so much for what you did for us. It was a big help to ensure a great meeting for us. You always go the extra mile." Maurice Johnson,Realty World


Web and Media-Based Direct Response Leads April 18th, 2017 | Posted in General Real Estate, Other Interests, Real Estate

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One of the best ways for a buyer or seller to begin corresponding with you is to offer information that is exclusive, timely, and targeted to their needs.  Your website provides the best way for someone to learn more about your offer of helpful information for their needs.  These information offers can also be obtained through a link in an E-mail, as a “P. S.” at the bottom of a letter, or as an additional offer on a postcard.  They can also be offered on a flyer in a brochure box, in an ad, or in just about any media that would reach the potential client.

To obtain this information, a potential buyer or seller is going to have to correspond with the form on your website, call you, E-mail you, or write you.  This gives you the opportunity to capture more information, allowing you to follow up with the client while giving you a clue about their motivation.  Armed with the informational clues left behind in the request for information, you can now prepare an over-the-phone counseling session showing them the value that you bring to any transaction then close for a listing presentation or buyer-brokerage agreement.

As the market changes quickly, the one concept preventing real estate turning into a web-based “widget factory” is the fact that every client’s needs are different and every piece of real estate is different.  When the client meets a professional problem-solver who can use his personal knowledge and experience to meet the client’s needs and achieve his goals, they are naturally drawn to that person who helps!

Anyone requesting any information has made an important step toward achieving his goals.  It is incumbent upon you to offer additional information and bring up all the points that need to considered in order to achieve their goals.  It is also important to not give away free information without asking something from the client.  It may be as little as a name and an E-mail address; however, always strive to capture their name, mailing address, phone number, and reason for the inquiry.  An example of how this works on a website is that once a client finds your website through the media direct mail, search engine strategy, or other method, they will be drawn to the area that has the most to do with their current challenge.

For instance, maybe they have a listing soon to expire so they click on the “expired” button on your site.  You could not only have testimonials from previous expireds but also information that might cure the problems common to an expired seller.  For them to obtain the information, they would need to complete a name and phone number pop-up.  Will there be some phony names and numbers?  Sure, but I prefer to take the positive view and know that a large percentage of sellers will be leaving real information.  Once you have this information, you have the ability to talk to a buyer or seller and use the question lists featured earlier in this book.

One of the first information gathering offers used in real estate was the “free CMA” concept.  This has evolved into a more sophisticated presentation – a free 24-hour phone value analysis.  This free phone value analysis carries with it the benefits to a seller that no sales person will ever show up at their home and they will not have to release a lot of information to obtain the “holy grail” of needs (the true current market value).

This is even more important in a world dominated by websites such as Zillow that provide silly representations of value.  Services like these provide just one more reason why top real estate agents will never be extinct.  This information can be offered on just about any media, but it is best used as an interactive page on your website entitled “Free 24-Hour Phone Value Analysis.”

Tomorrow, we’ll share our form to use on your website.


Lead generation is what builds your business and keeps your pipeline full, no matter what the market says!  Grow Your Leads: Just Add Wa(l)ter is a hefty book full of detailed and complete prospecting systems, and it includes the data CD (digital copy).  This is also a great manual for an assistant.

Call 800.792.5837 and ask for the $50 blog special on Grow Your Leads: Just Add Wa(l)ter.  Check out the content details here:




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