559 S. Washington Ave., Kankakee,IL 60901

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The gifts of giving with love to others with return to you a hundred fold. Thank you for a new level of life. Terry Murphy, Real Estate Speaker


Checklist of Twenty Ways to Increase Income through Assistants July 11th, 2017 | Posted in General Real Estate, Other Interests, Real Estate

Making sure your assistant(s) stay on task and pays for himself/herself can sometimes be a full-time job; having a self-motivated assistant is a dream though!

For either type of assistant, a checklist like this lets him/her know some of the main responsibilities that you expect on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. Of course, you could add/delete/edit but these are some key elements to every top producer’s “dream team.”

  1. Goal each month: bring one buyer or seller to agent from assistant’s people farm.
  2. Goal each month: bring one money-saving idea to end-of-month meeting.
  3. Goal each month: bring one money-making idea to end-of-month meeting.
  4. Goal each month: bring one time-saving idea to end-of-month meeting.
  5. Have a press release published at least once a month.
  6. Cut down on office supplies; ask affiliates to provide.
  7. Shield agent from unnecessary calls so that he or she can list and sell.
  8. Keep agent off personal time-waster calls.
  9. Help the agent to be accountable to goals each month.
  10. Keep the agent on track each day!
  11. Always be positive for the agent, which helps keep the agent positive.
  12. Help the agent telemarket the correct number of past clients.
  13. Telemarket expireds or drop off expired packages.
  14. Return top-priority phone calls.
  15. Learn to pre-screen buyer calls with approved questions.
  16. Learn to screen possible seller calls with approved questions.
  17. Develop an excellent memory for sellers, addresses, important clients, etc.
  18. Hold open houses; be a host/hostess.
  19. Everywhere you go — promote your agent!
  20. Pass out your card everywhere and build your database!
  21. Keep our vacancies full by all approved methods.


Agreed and accepted upon by:_____________________ (Assistant’s Signature)


Time-Saving Checklists for Real Estate allows you to turn your business into auto-pilot real estate. Every checklist Walter used in his real estate business. Don’t design your own, when they’ve already been done for you. This is for every process in your business.

The book includes a data CD, which makes it quick and easy for implementation by you, your assistant, or other members of your team.

Call 800.792.5837 and ask for the $50 blog special on Time-Saving Checklists for Real Estate. Check out the content details here:

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