559 S. Washington Ave., Kankakee,IL 60901

P.815.929.9258 P.815.929.9200

I have been using "If I Could Start All Over Again" and have spoken with (so far) seven area top producers - wow!!! Everyone should do this! Daniel H. Peaslee, Century 21


Open House Checklist: Assistant-Attended July 20th, 2017 | Posted in General Real Estate, Other Interests, Real Estate

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Particularly if your assistant is new to your team or if this will be one of the first times that he/she is attending an open house with you, this checklist will be an invaluable training tool.  He/she can have it days prior to the open house to mentally prepare and have it on hand (hard copy or digital) as a refresher, too.


Arrive a half hour to fifteen minutes prior to the start, with signs in place.

Greet owners, if still at home.  Check house for open windows, if necessary.  Be sure to minimize traffic sounds.

Turn on ALL lights.

Turn on music — soft or classic rock.

Set out sign-in sheets and refresh brochure stack.  Have dream home search input and the 24-hour free phone evaluation input sheets available.

Read over the key questions five times.

  1. Do you own property in the neighborhood?
  2. If so, which one?
  3. If you would move, where would you go?
  4. Have you seen any homes you like?  Where?
  5. How soon do you want to be there?
  6. Do you have an agent?
  7. Could I have your contact information?
  8. Make the phone appointment for Walter.


REMEMBER — if you get answers to all these questions, you have a prospect.  People moving out of the area can be referred to an agent for a referral fee.

Unlock doors leading to rear yard, garage, and patio.

Greet people and have them fill out the welcome form and other forms, too.

ASK QUESTIONS — when you control the conversation, you control the outcome; ask questions like “Do you know of anyone buying or selling?”


Can you get them committed to a phone appointment with Walter?  Use the lead sheet if they are agreeable.

Mark the buyers/sellers that Walter should definitely follow up with — NOW!

At 4 pm, turn off lights and music.

Write a thank you note with feedback to the Seller.  Leave on the kitchen table.

Lock all doors, windows, and place items back the way you found them.

Reinstate security system.

Remove the signs.

Follow up with people who say, “I know someone who is thinking of buying or selling a home.”

Follow up on all LLA and BA leads immediately:

Report results to Walter.


______________________________         __________________________

Signature of Open House Assistant                                             Date



Time-Saving Checklists for Real Estate allows you to turn your business into auto-pilot real estate. Every checklist Walter used in his real estate business. Don’t design your own, when they’ve already been done for you.  This is for every process in your business.

The book includes a data CD, which makes it quick and easy for implementation by you, your assistant, or other members of your team.

Call 800.792.5837 and ask for the $50 blog special on Time-Saving Checklists for Real Estate.  Check out the content details here:


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