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Thank you for your words of wisdom and experience. I have already benefited from some of the techniques in your materials. My return on investment will be huge! Thanks again. Mike Fortin, Platinum Group REALTORS®


Reciprocal Business Script and Follow Up August 7th, 2017 | Posted in General Real Estate, Other Interests, Real Estate

This week, we’re going to share some phone scripts and follow up for top agents to use in obtaining business partners/alliances with other businessmen and women in your area.

Today’s blog post is for you in obtaining an “agent” relationship with a business owner who already has your business!  Maybe it’s an auto repair shop, a car salesman, a cellular phone dealer, a manicurist, etc.

Start to think through the list of businesses/individuals with whom you have regular contact so much so that they know your name/face.  It’s time to start growing your database with individuals who need a REALTOR now or who might in the near future.

The two scripts included here (one “LIVE” and one voice mail) are written from the perspective an assistant calling on behalf of the agent.  Obviously, it can be adjusted with a little editing to meet any specific needs.


Live conversation: Reciprocal Business

Hello, my name is ____________________ .  I work for (agent’s name) one of the top brokers/agents in the (city) area.  (Agent’s name) asked me to call because he/she has been a good customer of yours and has appreciated doing business with you!  Are there ever any instances when you may be able to refer clients to (agent’s name)?

Negative:  Okay, but do you personally have any real estate plans?

Positive:  Great!  I will have (agent’s name) give you a call!  Would (time) or (time) tonight be more convenient?

Negative:  Okay, I’ll let (agent’s name) know and if your plans change please call (agent’s name).  Thank you and have a great day!

Positive:  Great!  Can you think of anyone (agent’s name) can contact now?

Positive:  I have a pen ready….

Negative:  Okay, I’ll let (agent’s name) know.  May I have (agent’s name) call you directly to see if any joint promotions or sharing of databases is possible?

Thanks so much for spending the time.  I hope that both of you can figure out how to increase cash in each other’s business.


Voice Mail: Reciprocal Business

Hello, my name is ____________________.  I work for (agent’s name) one of the top brokers/agents in the (city) area.  (Agent’s name) has appreciated doing business with you and wants to know if you have any clients you would be able to refer to him/her.  Please call (agent’s name) at (phone number) if there are any leads you can share!  You can also fill out our referral form at  Remember, we will both do better by working our joint databases together.  Thank you and have a great day!


Letter/Postcard/Email: Reciprocal Business




City, ST  Zip


I appreciate doing business with you.  I have enclosed the invoice, a check, and ten business cards.  Please give them to your friends, relatives, neighbors and co-workers.  We can both increase our databases and clients by sharing our good reputations!

I am one of the top real estate agents/brokers in (city) and I would greatly appreciate referrals from your business.  I will make you look like a hero and do my best to increase your business too!  You may also refer people to my website at

Here’s to mutual lead generation.  Thank you!


(agent’s name)



Walter’s Phone Scripts & Moving Beyond Do Not Call is your go-to resource for scripts, emails, and letters that you or an assistant can easily begin using today.  Phone Scripts includes the hiring, and management of telemarketers plus the 60 hottest groups to go after when they have shown interest in your service.  This manual even includes what to say when leaving a voice mail.  Follow-up emails are included, too.  It’s a great manual for an assistant as well with do not call opportunities!

Check out the details:  Call 800.792.5837 and ask for the $50 blog special on this system!


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