559 S. Washington Ave., Kankakee,IL 60901

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Thank you for your words of wisdom and experience. I have already benefited from some of the techniques in your materials. My return on investment will be huge! Thanks again. Mike Fortin, Platinum Group REALTORS®


DOES RETIRING MEAN YOU GET TO FINALLY SAY WHAT YOU WANT TO SAY? March 23rd, 2018 | Posted in General Real Estate, Other Interests, Real Estate

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Probably not.  We are concerned about the harm our mouth can cause and do not want cause pain.  However, that does not mean that we should not disengage from un-profitable activities.  There is the buyer that won’t answer questions, get pre-approved through a lender you trust, be on time for appointments or is always reluctant to pull the trigger.  I was never reluctant to say “I was sorry but I already had buyers taking all available time slots for the foreseeable future and that may I suggest another capable real estate agent”.  (I had someone always available to work my B and C leads.  I also was never mean to cement head sellers no matter how unreasonable they were.  I just said, “I am sorry Mr. Johnson, I just do not have the tools necessary to achieve the results you are looking for but let me refer an agent that may be a better fit”.  Once again have someone to pick up those aggravating listings that you believe will not sell because you may be wrong.  I was always nice to the reasonable brokers in my early career…heck, they were paying the bills.  I always believed that I was working for free until close and therefore it was my right to ask as many intrusive questions as I needed until I was able to determine the motivation of my client…sometimes I may have been perceived as being a little aggressive.

There was area that I did not hold back.  Incompetent cooperative agents.  I would ask them to get back to me, I would ask them to leave complete requests on voicemail, I would ask them to please do what they said they were going to do.  Many times they did not.  I gave them a couple of chances and then went directly to their clients or their broker.  It did not make friends and I never recruited one of these slackers, but they sure paid attention to the deal after I implemented my scorched earth policy.  I never let an incompetent agent ruin my client’s day.  All of this might be considered some pretty aggressive real estate by a pretty confident and competent Realtor, however, there are some areas that I just kept my mouth closed on while selling and speaking on the circuit.  (By the way, you know I have retired from the speaking circuit but still am coaching some of the top agents in North America.  Also, I am selling off my products as a gift to the industry.  My most recent set of published books and software that has gone to the top agents in the world for $1500.00, for all nine, is now $90 bucks.  Yeah, that’s right, a 40 pound box of the stuff that has turned good agents into superstar, independently wealthy agents can now be in your office for the cost of paper, plastic and printing.   If you want my stuff for a 94% discount as a thank you to the industry, then go here to purchase. 

Now, for the real stuff that I can say now that I am retired from the road…..

  1.  Ever noticed how our real estate press and trade association is so liberal, even though supported by mostly conservative, small business owners.  Why doesn’t someone say something!  I know why, because rocking the boat and being called out by the big boys is scary.    So maybe this will start something.  Just look at the main speakers at the National Association of Realtors… Clinton and other liberal/socialist leaders.  Look at the articles in Inman…Trump is always held suspect and it’s like we should hold parades for gay real estate agents.  I would just love to see a great article on how to do a better job selling real estate by someone that was actually doing it.  Government is always a bad answer to solve a problem, but is NAR’s policy always.  If you have an opportunity to send them less money, do it.
  2. The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is with a good guy with a gun.  Look, let’s start talking about agents that hold open houses in the middle of nowhere getting their concealed carry license and training.  Stop being a victim and listening to the solutions put out from our “leaders”.  In 40 years in this industry I have seen killings and rapes of defenseless real estate agents.  If you are going to put yourself out there, advertise your 24/7 availability, and exactly where you are going to be and at what time with a picture…you better be ready.  Don’t do anything without lots of training…by the way it is fun and the confidence of knowing that you can defend you and your family from evil is uplifting.
  3. A big piece of my business has always been utilizing technology to make my business faster, cheaper and more efficient.  But now that is all managers and owners promote and train on.  Most agents cannot pick up the phone, have a conversation with a client, offer value, overcome objections with value and close for an appointment.  It is almost a lost art.  Now you buy leads and wait for what the rainmaker may throw you.  Learn how to generate listing leads or get out of the business.
  4. Later in my career I was eliminated from opportunities because of my belief in Jesus Christ.  It tended to make me shy in my proclaiming the good news.  If you are a believer, don’t have regrets like I do.  Don’t wait until you are financially independent and retired to speak up more about the peace in your life.

Well these are some of the rants that a top real estate agent kept to himself while selling and speaking.  Without the pressure of always trying to please everyone so as to make a buck, retirement may mean that I can finally say what I should have.


Since I have retired from the speaking circuit, I have my systems (large books with software) that I was selling from the back of the room at about $1500.00.  These are my newest products and this package includes everything that I have ever done.  As a “pay it forward” opportunity I am now selling these same books and software at my cost, about 94% off.  This is the start of your plan to get to the point where you are living the dream.  This is not anything but selling you the best real estate training materials in the world for 94% less than they were selling for a couple of weeks ago.  You will get 9 books, a whopping 40 pounds of checklists and information that is easy to use.  These volumes have been used by agents in the US and Canada to be the best agent in their market place.  Go here to pick up your foundation for the future.

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