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"Thank you for another great conference. Walter Sanford was energetic and delivered some great information as well." Carla Rigsby CENTURY 21 Really Group


#13 in the only real estate retirement series by Walter Sanford, possibly the highest producing real estate broker in North America May 23rd, 2018 | Posted in General Real Estate, Other Interests, Real Estate

Well you have had your fill of buyers and sellers seemingly doing things that put them in the opposite direction of their stated goals.  It is frustrating and you think….”maybe I should be the the buyer and maybe the seller?”  It is always more fun making decisions for yourself rather than sometimes trying to make things work in the midst of irrational decisions of clients.  If you are really thinking of becoming a real estate mogul,  do you do the following things?:

  1.  Look at every listing as a potential purchase.  Sure it is hard to be a listing agent, the buyer and an investor all at the same time and still take into consideration the fiduciary duty you owe to the seller.  But what if you offered and the seller accepted.  What if the seller wrote an essay on what the advantages of your offer were.  What if the seller could get out of the transaction at any time prior to close with no penalties.  What if you offered the seller half the profits if sold anytime within 5 years of close.  (I never sell)  What if you had their attorneys approval?  All of these things would go a long way of curing a lawsuit concerning you breaching fiduciary duty.
  2. Do you maximize commissions for your down payments?  Do you work on always trying to get both ends?  Do you price listings so that they sell within local “days on market” averages so that you can cut overhead on your marketing?  Do you have an assistant doing lead generation instead of paperwork all day long?  Do you keep your lead generation consistent and fresh?  By the way, if you want a degree in real estate systems that have made the top agents rich all over the world, I have just declared my retirement and therefore have stopped selling my systems on the road.  All over the world I have been hired to teach agents on how to sell more, faster, at higher nets and still have a life.  The systems are so successful, their implementation has caused agents to become the top agents in their market area and have allowed them finally to start thinking about really retiring.  You need to act soon…..My manuals and software sold to the top agents and teams all over the world for $1500.00.  As a gift to the industry, the farewell you might say, I am dropping the 40 pound package of systems, manuals, software, audio cd’s and dvd’s to my cost of production…$90.00.  Yes my cost.  Let’s blow out the remaining packages that used to cost $1500.00 for $90.00…go here to learn more
  3. Do you advertise that you will buy real estate that is free and clear or close to free and clear and pay 4-5% interest to the seller, thus enabling them to save taxes on an installment sale and make more money than they can with a CD, all secured with security they already are comfortable with?
  4. Do you get excited every time you meet someone with free and clear real estate.  Just this month I found out that the next door neighbor to units that I own, may sell the building and that it was free and clear.  I offered 10% down and had them carry the first for 5 years at 4.15%.  Income is $5800 a month and PITI is $4200.00.  Some month it might be a little negative but the loan is fully amortized over 20.  I bet in 5 years it will be in better condition, have higher rents and the sellers will want to extend the loan, maybe at a higher interest rate.  If not, I bet I can find lenders who will provide the financing.  If not, I have been doing this so long that I have other free and clear property that I own that I can refinance.  You see, if you earn commissions and start this program now, you will become a real estate mogul.
  5. One of my products is how a real estate agent finds, buys and manages real his/her own real estate while they are still in the brokerage business.  It is a natural progression to learn your micro market and then take advantage of the knowledge through your own purchases.  Try to make an offer every week.  Even if it is low, at least you are getting your name out there.  Put a cover letter on it if it is low so that there will be no hard feelings.  Tell the agent and the seller that the offer is a product of your real estate purchasing formula and should not be something to be discouraged about, it just how the formula works.  Let them know that you appreciate their attention to this offer and if it works great, if not, you totally understand.  By the way, some of those sellers have come back to me months later.  I still could not buy it, but I listed it!  I love real estate.
  6.  I have carried my commissions against the buyer’s new property because they were short on the down payment.  I received good terms.  I use these notes as down payments on  property.  Always be thinking on how you can obtain cash flow or break even real estate so you can get out of the brokerage business for others and do it for yourself.


I have done it and my students have done it.  Living of your net cash flow is a great reward from a wonderful career in real estate brokerage!

Since I have retired from the speaking circuit, I have my systems (large books with software) that I was selling from the back of the room at about $1500.00.  These are my newest products and this package includes everything that I have ever done.  As a “pay it forward” opportunity I am now selling these same books and software at my cost, about 94% off.  This is the start of your plan to get to the point where you are living the dream.  This is not anything but selling you the best real estate training materials in the world for 94% less than they were selling for a couple of weeks ago.  You will get 9 books, a whopping 40 pounds of checklists and information that is easy to use.  These volumes have been used by agents in the US and Canada to be the best agent in their market place.  Go here to pick up your foundation for the future.

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